Day 31: Leftover Easter Eggs, Spray Bottle Watering, More on Toothbrushing, and Bathe!!!

SELF-CARE:  Tonight: Take a Bath. Add candles, bubbles, maybe some relaxing music and lock the door.  A wise mama from one of our groups long ago said she did this every night. I’ve never reached these heights but it certainly has inspired me to try to fit it in maybe once a week. I’ve never regretted it.

PARENTING TIP: TOOTHBRUSHING TAKE TWO - Evelyn shares another tip to keep it playful by making your lap into “a rumble chair” that bumps and bumps until it’s time to start brushing. Kids giggle and finally yell stop. Then you can either count forwards and backwards to 20 or “feed the hungry tooth brush all the yummy food from the day."

INDOOR ACTIVITY: What to do with all those leftover plastic eggs? So many things! You can make shakers by adding beans or rice and taping shut! Then play some music and have some fun. Try switching the tempo of the music and see if you’re child can follow the different beats! You can also put empty eggs in a sensory bin (aka lasagna pan) with some dried beans, rice or water and provide endless pouring, scooping and dumping fun! And last but not least, if they loved the egg hunt-why not keep them going all week? You don’t have to add new candy or anything at all to make collecting eggs into a basket super fun and entertaining for kids of all ages! 

OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: Fill an old spray bottle with water and have your child water plants in the backyard or plants around the neighborhood on your daily walk! Endless fun to spray water!