Day 6: Stop multitasking, Say "Yes" and Cooking with Your Children

SELF-CARE TIP: Stop multitasking! Be present throughout your day. We all have a lot going on right now and lots of things to accomplish during the day. Resist the urge to check your email when you are with your kids, or attend to your kids when you need to be working (if possible!). I find that when I focus on one task at a time I am happier and more productive. I even feel less resentful at the end of the day after putting my kids to bed at work I still have to do, probably because I really got to enjoy my kids during the day!

Set up a "yes" environment. In preschool we often refer to the classroom as our third teacher. This means set up your environment, your house or yard, to tell your child all the things they can do instead of tempting them with all the things they can't. If you find yourself telling your child "don't," "stop," look at how you can remove the things you find yourself saying "no" to.

Ocean Beach Social Distancing Edition! Today the beach was full but I the crowd was maintaining a healthy 6 foot difference from one another. It was beautiful, the weather was perfect and the tide was low creating small tide pools for little ones to explore!

Cooking. How many meals do you find yourself cooking these days for your family, 20-30 a day? Invite your child to join. Cooking is full of learning; it integrates math and science principles, promotes fine motor development and is a wonderful sensory experience. Even the smallest tasks will thrill your child.