SELF CARE TIP: DATE NIGHT IN! Let's face it, we all deserve a little bit of celebrating tonight for surviving our first week of parenting through the most unusual circumstances we've likely ever faced. Let's have a Coronavirus-Free Night! Open up a bottle of something or a box of chocolates, maybe put on some music or just watch a movie together. Whatever you do, try not talk about it-just for one night. You have the rest of the weekend to share anxieties, make schedules, and talk about what did and didn't work last week. Tonight let's just try to have a little fun. If you're a single parent (and you literally have all of our utmost utmost respect and admiration during this time) try a google hangout with an old friend and a glass of wine!
PARENTING TIP: Connect before you correct. My husband reminded me of this one last night while trying to get our preschooler out of a bath he did not want to exit. Instead of going in strong with a "OK, time to get out", he went in and made some splash bubbles, tried his bubble smoothies and then what seemed like miraculously, moved him right into his towel.
NATURE LOCATION: Weekend getaway! Escape the weekend crowds at Ocean Beach and try Rodeo Beach Hike. Park by the Marin Headlands Visitor Center and take the wide trail (jogger stroller friendly and wide enough for good social distancing) down to Rodeo Beach-less than a mile and flat!
INDOOR ACTIVITY: Get some energy out and get some good proprioceptive (muscle and joint input) by playing the Magical Animal Game. Stand on one side of the room and shake a musical instrument saying "Abra cadabra, Abra ca-dake, make (Chld's name) turn into a snake!" Then they move like a snake all the way to you until you stop shaking the instrument. Keep going with bear, monkey, elephant, crab etc talking about the difference in the movements of each!