Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good. This might be in relation to cooking (I recently read on a cooking blog a take off this quote that said “don’t let the perfect get in the way of the fed.") It might be in relation to how your child helps with chores, or even in relation to a parenting, personal, or work goal. Now is not the time to aim for perfection, and good can be truly good enough.
And speaking of imperfection, teacher Alexis adds this tip of the day: “Today we tried to make giant bubbles in the yard. It was a fail. No bubbles, not what we expected. But what felt like a fail to us adults was a bubble water wonder to our kids! They splashed and laughed in the suds. Sometimes a fail is a win. A good reminder that it’s often about the process and not the product.”
Make Home Videos!! My daughter celebrated her eighth birthday yesterday and as part of the celebration she wanted to look at old photos and videos of herself throughout the years. The photos were great of course, but watching the videos completely connected us back to that little version of Maggie. I often forget to take videos, maybe because photos are easier to snap or post, but I can’t tell you how priceless those videos are when you look back in time. And of course, they love to watch videos of themselves over and over!
Bubbles for “car washes”, “baby doll wash” or plastic dishes. Bubbles, as Alexis rediscovered through her failed giant bubble making, are always a whole lot of fun!