Arrange to be alone in your house. Yesterday, my partner was able to take the kids out into nature for several hours. I have been alone since this started, but I hadn’t really been alone in my home. It felt as if I was connecting to an old friend (named Rebecca!). I realized just how much I had missed the sound of silence. I remembered how productive one could be without children around. If this is at all possible, even for just an hour, I highly recommend it. This is definitely going to become a weekly ritual around here.
Independence Take 3: Independent Play. Some children may be learning to be great independent players during this time. Others are struggling with knowing what to do without the screen or their favorite adult near by. Here are some tips! First, fill their cup-give them undivided (no phone in sight) attention for 10 minutes. Then let them know that you are going to read your book, make dinner, do some work on the computer, etc and you need them to play by themselves. Do not ask if this is OK, or say this too sweetly. Say this very matter-of-factly. Start a timer. If your child is on the younger side-start small with even 5-10 minutes. The important thing is that they learn this skill and to respect the boundary. If they interrupt you say "First, mom is going to finish_____, then I'll play with you." Repeat as many times as you need to. I remember doing this over and over with my oldest when he was 18 months. After about two weeks, he stopped interrupting me. By 2.5 he could play by himself for up to an hour! It takes some investment, but the payoff is rich!
Interviewing grandparents (2.5 and up) If the grandparents are getting lonely or missing their sweet grandkids-this will definitely brighten their day. Over Zoom, have your child interview their grandparent about their life. You can use questions like these-finding ones that might resonate with your child or their grandparent the most. Together, you can write down the answers and your child can even later illustrate and turn into a book. You can also can use the record feature on zoom! What treasures to have later in life, while keeping grandchildren and grandparents connected. Here’s a great link for tips:…/30-questions-to-ask-your-gra…/
Paint on ice. This works great with watercolors or regular craft paint. It's always fun to paint on something new! Freeze larger blocks or fun shapes overnight or just use regular ice.