Day 74: Keeping calm, locking your phone, family photos, and boxes!


Last night after the kids were in bed, I kept my phone on lock down, opened up my computer and played a podcast while I tidied up the house. I am not sure why it was so satisfying, but I think it had something to do with my phone on lock down. I was not distracted by the many things I likely could have or should have attended to, and so this freedom to be present to the moment (even if I was tiding up!) truly felt like "me time." Thank you to my third time moms group for reminding me of this great and simple strategy!


Staying Calm Day 3:  So we've identified some common triggers, noticed what happens to our bodies when triggered, practiced saying out loud "I am feeling really triggered or really angry right now."  Now what? Now we try to imagine a different way of responding. One of my favorite's is "I'm feeling so angry I can't even solve this problem with you right now. This behavior is not OK and we are going to come back in 10 minutes and come up with a solution to this problem." The time away allows me to calm down enough to likely come back with a much better approach to the problem and avoid what I call "the road to regret." More on this tomorrow!


Kellam offers this great idea in the social-emotional department! Look through old photo albums, like actual real photo albums. I continue to be amazed at how much my children like looking through their parent's baby books or wedding albums. I remember doing this as a child. This activity reminds us of our extended family unit and also helps facilitate stories and memories which can be especially meaningful during this time.  Also if you have a child returning to preschool sometime soon, use a similar approach to find and look through any photos (even digitally)  you may have of them in their school environment, or with their teachers and friends from school. You may even want to print these out into a book, as you begin to prepare them for this transition back to school.


Cardboard boxes. Gather all your delivery boxes and cut little doors, windows, decorate with marker. Make spaceships, tunnels, connectors for the boxes. Never underestimate the power of a good (or odd sized/shaped) box. You can just leave the cardboard city out and watch the magic unfold. When you are finished, you can cut them up for painting board!