SELF-CARE: Wake up before the kids. I know, it sounds crazy. And I would be lying through my teeth if I said I did it every day. But when I can actually force myself from those extra moments of snoozing, I do find that it is ever so much more rewarding than staying up late after they are all in bed. A cup of coffee in a quiet house truly does start everything on the right foot.
PARENTING TIP: Folding Towels! Get the kids involved in chores. Brainstorm with kids what chores need to happen around the house (likely a lot more than normal), and create a visual of things they can do daily and weekly. Younger children may not be able to do them independently (key is to really take the time to train them), but if you think of it more as an activity rather than an outsource it can at least provide company, lighten the mood, pass the time and teach great life skills!
INDOOR ACTIVITY: Toddler Friendly Easter Crafts! Toddler friendly crafts are ones that don’t require you telling your toddler to put these eyes here or those ears there. Try things like cutting out the shape of an egg and have your child “paint” it using half of a plastic easter egg. You can also tape an egg shaped paper inside a box, add some paint and several Easter eggs and have your child shake the box and roll the paint around.
OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: Go on a scavenger hunt for something of every color of the rainbow. Bonus: Every color has to be found from nature!