Best Gratitude Exercise Ever for Young Children!

Let’s face it-it is hard to get a good answer from young children when you ask them what they are grateful for. The concept of gratitude, though rich with benefits, can be a bit abstract for children at times.

Follow these steps for the most genuine gratitude exercise ever:

Step One: Make a hand turkey! You know trace your child’s hand and then tilt it so the thumb is the turkey’s neck–add and eye and a wattle (yes that red fleshy thing has a name!)

Now you have four feathers-for each feather focus on one aspect of gratitude. 

Ask your child the following and be sure to frame the question with both of these options:

Feather One: Who are you grateful for/who do you love in our family?

Feather Two: Who are you grateful for/who do you love outside of our family?

Feather Three: What are you grateful for/what do you love to do inside?

Feather Four: What are you grateful for/what do you love to do outside?
You can keep going, of course, and add more feathers and ask things like: who are you grateful for in our neighborhood? At your school? Be creative! But these more specific questions will get your child thinking for sure and generate more sincere answers!