Day 3: Baking Soda Volcanos, "Lighten things up" and Gratitude

Today's ECM Tips

SELF-CARE TIP: Did you know that Gratitude in an antidote to anxiety? You never really think of it that way, but it makes sense in times like these. Every time you start to get anxious about something you probably don't have any control over right now anyway, think of three things you're grateful for. Right now I'm grateful for the very basics like our health, our home, and food on the table. I'm trying to remember this a lot. I'm also grateful for more time together as a family, not having to get up super early to get my kids to school (because I am a natural night owl and society does not accommodate night owls!), and less time in the car driving my 3 kiddos from here to there. Focusing on what we're grateful for really does keep us in the present instead of in the past or the future where anxiety likes to hang out.

PARENTING TIP: "Lighten things up" My mom used to always say this, which is very different than the pejorative "Lighten up!". Lighten things up means announce bed time with a song like "Oh it's time to go to bed, go to bed, go to bed" as you dance kids toward their bedrooms. Call an impromptu dance party or teddy bear tea party! Not saying we didn't have a melt down or two today, but try to add some humor, some grace and some connection wherever you can.

NATURE TIP: Aids Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park. Magical. And if you make it all the way to the end, past the meadow, there is a gushing creek to throw rocks and sticks into!

INDOOR ACTIVITY: Here's a great (and simple) idea that will help provide at least an hour of screen-free fun - baking soda volcanos!

Ingredients: Baking soda, colored vinegar, and pipets. Pour a box of baking soda into a volcano shape on a tray. Dip the Pippet into the volcano and let go to create a mini eruption. You can stick in various sides and holes and get a reaction over and over again! If you don't have Pippets, have children use a straw (with adult supervision) and put their finger over the top when dipping in the vinegar. You can use a small teaspoon. Also, ice-cube trays work better for toddlers in case they dump all the vinegar at once and give you 12-24 separate reactions, plus it's easy to rinse the tray and sprinkle again.